Import data from BIOM results to MbioDataset. There is
some loss of granularity in this process. It results
in a simpler and more performant object which is compliant
with the MicrobiomeDB infrastructure. See mia::makeTreeSEFromBiom
for documentation.
- normalizationMethod
Normalization method to use on they assay data. Options are "none" and "TSS". Applying TSS normalization to absolute taxonomic abundances produces relative taxonomic abundances. Default is "TSS".
- keepRawValues
Keep the raw assay values as well as the normalized values.
- verbose
Print messages
- ...
Arguments to pass to mia::makeTreeSEFromBiom
rich_dense_file = system.file("extdata", "rich_dense_otu_table.biom",
package = "biomformat")
mbioDataset <- importBIOM(
normalizationMethod = "none",
keepRawValues = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
rich_dense_biom = biomformat::read_biom(rich_dense_file)
mbioDataset <- importBIOM(
normalizationMethod = "none",
keepRawValues = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,