This function returns abundances, ranked by a selected ranking function
- data
AbundanceData object
- method
string defining the ranking strategy by which to order the taxa. Accepted values are 'median','max','q3',and 'variance'. Note that taxa that return a value of 0 for a given method will not be included in the results.
- cutoff
integer indicating the maximium number of taxa to be kept after ranking.
- verbose
boolean indicating if timed logging is desired
rankedAbundOutput <- rankedAbundance(
"16S (V4) Genus (Relative taxonomic abundance analysis)"),
method = "median"
#> 2024-06-26 14:29:06.945311 Received df table with 3184 samples and 674 taxa.
#> 2024-06-26 14:29:07.025819 Finished ranking taxa
#> 2024-06-26 14:29:07.03636 Ranked abundance computation completed with parameters recordIdColumn= 16S_rRNA_(V4)_assay_Id , method = median , cutoff = 10 , naToZero = TRUE , verbose = TRUE